Emily lost another tooth with in a month!!
It doesn't seems to bother her, as long as she continues to get"money" from the tooth fairy :)
The tooth fairy left her $1.
We got together with a few friends to carve pumpkins. It was lots of fun!
Here is our pumpkin display.
We really liked our little creation. Our pumpkin was very cute and small. It was quite the character!
Nick was not very excited about carving pumpkins. He kept looking at the guts and saying "ewww gross."
Hey...everyone has their own opinion about pumpkins. :)
It took about 5 adults to get the kids' attention. I guess I forgot to mention that one of the adults pretended to be a "monkey" to get the kids to smile. That was the best shot ;)
Welcome to "Carola's Salon" or better known as Mommy's Salon. I finally got the time to give the girls their first hair cut. It was not easy (especially with Hailey, she moved the entire time). It was a very emotional haircut. They cried , they laughed, they fought (as usual), but most of all, they decided that today was the day to "miss their baby hair." Good timing!!!!
Hailey's hair was definitely due for a haircut. This was her first her cut ever!
It was also Emily's first hair cut since she was born.
After a few tears... Hailey decided that she absolutely loved her new heir style.
Pretty cute!! What do you think? :)
Since we arrived in Calabasas, we've been waiting for the famous "Calabasas Pumpkin Festival."
The kids got to play in all the games that the festival had prepared. They enjoyed petting some animals and got the chance to trick or treat. We had a lot of fun.
There was a guy sculpting these pumpkins. He used all types of vegetables and fruits to accomplish his art work (the eyes were oranges, the nose a cucumber , etc) . It was very amazing!
It's so cool!!
Nicholas was trying to escape from the pumpkin display.
Hailey is finally getting used to smiling for the camara. It only took 3 years!!
Emily and Haily as scarecrows
Nick just wanted to play peak-a-boo.
Emily, Hailey, and Nick were very interested in this turtle. She was trying to escape...so they were concerned
The turtle actually escaped, but the owner got it back :)
Nicholas was very kind in giving me a few seconds of his busy time to pose for the picture.
Hailey was so brave. She was very small for this slide, but she did it!
Emily and Hailey enjoyed all the fun slides :)